When is the right time to brush your teeth?

2 min readAug 10, 2021


Teorinfo ~ Have you ever thought about when the right time to brush your teeth is? Are you sure that you have brushed your teeth at the right time? Is it when we brush our teeth at the “incorrect” time that can pose a risk?

Most people brush their teeth immediately after waking up. Maybe this is a good thing, considering the smelly breath that mostly appears when you just wake up.

When is the right time to brush your teeth?

But, are you the type of person who likes to have breakfast before the activity? Breakfast after brushing your teeth may be a bad idea if we eat foods that contain lots of carbohydrates, especially sugar.

Certain foods and drinks, especially those containing many carbohydrates, can cause certain bacteria in the mouth and harm the outermost layer of the teeth.

That means brushing your teeth after breakfast is the right thing to remove these bacteria before they attack our teeth, right?.

Not really. Why? Let’s look at a scenario where the food we eat contains high levels of acidity. Foods that contain citric acids such as oranges or lemons can weaken our enamel.

Isn’t it dangerous if we brush our teeth when they are vulnerable? In this case, it would be better if we brush our teeth before eating and drink a glass of water after eating our food.

Another alternative is to wait at least 30 minutes after eating, then brush your teeth thoroughly. In short, the best time to brush your teeth, apart from before going to bed, also depends on what food you eat.

Don’t forget to always pay attention to what goes into your mouth between brushing your teeth. Foods containing a lot of sugar, or soda drinks with many phosphoric acids, can weaken our teeth. Especially considering we can’t always brush our teeth wherever we go.

